Andrey Zakataev

Represents clients during anti-monopoly inspections by Federal Anti-Monopoly Service of Russia (the FAS) under the Competition Protection Law, in cases related to violations of anti-monopoly law, and appealing decisions of the anti-monopoly authorities in the course of intradepartmental appeal procedures and in commercial courts.

Consults clients on all issues related to public procurement.

Together with the FAS, Mr. Zakataev participates in the work of the Committee for Competition under the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) in Paris, France, takes part in International Competition Network events, and is a member of the Association of Anti-Monopoly Experts.


Holds a law degree from Moscow State Institute of International Relations, 2009.

Master of Law from Westminster University (London), 2011.

Advanced professional training in EU Law at King’s College London, 2013.

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